Newsletter: Marketing teams have been disrupted BUTD (Bottom Up AND Top Down)… until now?

Marketing teams disrupted by AI - Bottom Up and Top Down approach
Picture of Dax Hamman
Dax Hamman
CEO & Co-Founder. Passionate about supporting marketers with AI. 25 years building agencies & ad tech companies, working with hundreds of mega brands, and thousands of small businesses.
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It was first thought that AI would have its biggest impact on marketing at the junior level, supporting simple content creation and data analysis. But already, AI is becoming a strategic partner to the VP and the CMO, shaping big-picture decisions.

In a recent test, Claude 3 (Anthropic) was asked to analyze complex Supreme Court cases. Out of 37, Claude’s decisions aligned with the Supreme Court in 27 instances, demonstrating a remarkable ability to deliver thoughtful, nuanced opinions typically reserved for expert legal minds.

(Even in the cases where Claude’s conclusions differed, its reasoning was sound, often matching the dissenting opinions, having only been given the same source materials as the Justices.)

Enter the CMOs, who in recent (and VERY varied studies) report that 38%-80% of them are using AI most days. Any why not. If you an executive who needs to ingest a lot of information and make strategic decisions, the analysis above demonstrates the AI is already there for that.

In a recent Harvard classroom experiment “that compared a strategy developed by a team of MBA students in the traditional way with one developed using a virtual AI assistant, which was an interactive tool that linked a tried-and-tested strategy toolkit as a plug-in to the generative AI underlying ChatGPT. The results of the two independent processes were largely similar, with the AI-assisted strategy being, if anything, more original. The difference? The students took a week and the AI just 60 minutes.”

(The CMO could also automatically turn all that data into a private podcast too, as we saw last week).

However, for the middle-tier roles responsible for the actual execution, AI today is mixed. There are SO MANY point solution AI marketing tools to carry out each individual task, but more choice only adds more complexity, not more efficiency. What most marketers are looking for is the AI Marketing Team that can understand what they need, and then go do the work! Once that becomes mainstream, the marketing team disruption will quickly shift from BUTD (Botton up, top down) to a middle-out revolution.

If you need human-quality AI content, see how we do it for brands like HERE.

Picture of Dax Hamman
Dax Hamman
CEO & Co-Founder. Passionate about supporting marketers with AI. 25 years building agencies & ad tech companies, working with hundreds of mega brands, and thousands of small businesses.

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